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29 de septiembre de 2016

Amar es poder (Alberto Cortez)

Amar es poder

Amar es poder,
poder derribar un muro,
que por enorme y oscuro
te hace pensar
“no podré, no podré”
y poder.

Amar es querer
reconquistar lo perdido,
que por estar escondido
te hace pensar
“no podré, no podré”
y poder y poder...

Amar es saber,
saber vivir con la gente,
ya que por ser diferente
te hace pensar
“no podré, no podré”
y poder.

Amar es poder,
poder pintar una rosa
que ya por ser tan hermosa
te hace pensar
“no podré, no podré”
y poder.

Amar es saber,
saber encontrar la calma
cuando la angustia del alma
te hace pensar
“no podré, no podré”
y poder y poder...

Amar es querer
dejar de lado el orgullo,
que por saberlo tan tuyo
te hace pensar
“no podré, no podré”
y poder.

Amar es poder,
poder derribar un muro,
que por enorme y oscuro
te hace pensar “no podré”
y poder.

Amar es poder amar.
To love is be able

To love is be able,
be able to bring down a wall,
even huge and dark
makes you think
“I won’t be able, I won’t be able”
and be able.

To love is to want
reconquer the lost thing,
that being hidden
makes you think
“I won’t be able, I won’t be able”
and be able and be able...

To love is to know,
to know living with people,
that being different
makes you think
“I won’t be able, I won’t be able”
and be able.

To love is be able,
be able to paint a rose
that for being so beautiful
makes you think
“I won’t be able, I won’t be able”
and be able.

To love is to know,
to know finding the calm
when the anguish of the soul
makes you think
“I won’t be able, I won’t be able”
and be able and be able...

To love is to want
set aside pride,
that knowing is so yours
makes you think
“I won’t be able, I won’t be able”
and be able.

To love is be able,
be able to bring down a wall,
even huge and dark
makes you think “I won’t be able”
and be able.

To love is to be able to loving.

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