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28 de mayo de 2016

Eres diferente (Los Cinco Latinos)

Eres diferente

Eres diferente,
diferente a todo,
diferente al mundo,
diferente a mí.

Eres diferente, diferente,
al resto de la gente
que siempre conocí.
Eres diferente, diferente,
por eso al conocerte
me enamoré de ti.

Tus ojos tienen
un tono distinto
al gris de la niebla
y al verde del mar.
Tus labios besan
de un modo distinto
y estar a tu lado
es como soñar.

Eres diferente, diferente,
por eso al conocerte
me enamoré de ti.

Eres diferente, diferente,
al resto de la gente
que siempre conocí.
Eres diferente, diferente,
por eso al conocerte
me enamoré de ti. 

Tus ojos tienen
un tono distinto
al gris de la niebla
y al verde del mar.
Tus labios besan
de un modo distinto
y estar a tu lado
es como soñar. 

Eres diferente, diferente,
por eso al conocerte
me enamoré de ti.

Eres diferente,
diferente a todo,
diferente al mundo,
diferente a mí.
You are different

You are different,
different to everything,
different to the world,
different to me.

You are different, different,
to the rest of people
who I always knew.
You are different, different,
that’s why when I met you
I fell in love with you.

Your eyes have
a different color
to grey of the fog
and to green of the sea.
Your lips kiss
of a different way
and being beside you
is like dreaming.

You are different, different,
that’s why when I met you
I fell in love with you.

You are different, different,
to the rest of people
who I always knew.
You are different, different,
that’s why when I met you
I fell in love with you.

Your eyes have
a different color
to grey of the fog
and to green of the sea.
Your lips kiss
of a different way
and being beside you
is like dreaming.

You are different, different,
that’s why when I met you
I fell in love with you.

You are different,
different to everything,
different to the world,
different to me.

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