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16 de julio de 2012

Me enamoré sin querer (Camila)

Me enamoré sin querer

Me enamoró sin querer
cuando menos lo esperaba,
cambió mi forma de ser,
me enseñó a amar con el alma.
No es su cuerpo ni belleza
lo que me hace enloquecer,
es lo que hay en su cabeza
y en su corazón
lo que la hace tan mujer.

La vida te da sorpresas,
sorpresas te da la vida,
pa mi no hay mujeres feas,
todo depende
del cristal con que las veas.

Me enamoré de verdad
aunque nadie me lo crea,
me vale que los demás
digan siempre que ella es fea.
No es modelo ni es perfecta
pero me hace enloquecer,
es lo que hay en su cabeza
y en su corazón
lo que la hace tan mujer.

La vida te da sorpresas,
sorpresas te da la vida,
pa mi no hay mujeres feas,
todo depende
del cristal con que las veas.

La vida te da sorpresas,
sorpresas te da la vida,
pa mi no hay mujeres feas
y aunque le digan fea,
tal vez es fea pero es mi fea
y es la dueña de mi vida
y es la dueña de mi vida.
I fell in love inadvertently

She made me fall in love inadvertently
when I less expected,
she changed my way of being,
she taught me to love with the soul.
Is not her body or her beauty
what gets me crazy,
is what there is in her head
and in her heart
what make to her woman.

Life gives you surprises,
surprises give you the life,
there are no ugly women to me,
it all depends
with the crystal that you see them.

I truly fell in love
although nobody believe me,
I don't mind if the others
always say that she is ugly.
She is no model or perfect
but she gets me crazy,
is what there is in her head
and in her heart
what make to her woman.

Life gives you surprises,
surprises give you the life,
there are no ugly women to me,
it all depends
with the crystal that you see them.

Life gives you surprises,
surprises give you the life,
there are no ugly women to me
and although they say that she is ugly,
maybe is ugly but she is my ugly
and she is the owner of my life
and she is the owner of my life.

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