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22 de julio de 2012

Hay algo en ella (Dyango)

Hay algo en ella

Hay algo en ella
que me descontrola,
que me vuelve loco,
sin darme cuenta me ha hecho otra persona,
ya no me conozco.
Será por culpa de ese cuerpo suyo
de curvas perfectas
que me provoca, me encela, me engaña
y hace que me pierda.

Hay algo en ella nuevo, diferente,
turbio y peligroso,
serán sus ojos, dos abismos negros
que no tienen fondo,
será el perfume que al andar desprende
de su piel de seda,
será mi mente que no la comprende
pero la desea.

Hay algo en ella
que me da la vida,
que no he descubierto
pero me da igual.
Hay algo en ella
que la hace distinta
y que la prefiera entre las demás.
No sé ni de dónde viene,
ni sé para dónde va,
sé que cuando no está cerca mío
todas las cosas van mal.

Hay algo en ella que es como un bocado,
dulce y delicioso,
cuando la pruebas, quieres repetirla,
siempre sabe a poco.
Después te atrapa y tiene el mismo efecto
que una droga nueva,
que te hace daño, te enferma, te mata
pero nunca dejas.

Hay algo en ella 

que me da la vida,
que no he descubierto
pero me da igual.
Hay algo en ella 

que la hace distinta
y que la prefiera entre las demás.
No sé ni de dónde viene
ni sé para dónde va,
sé que cuando no está cerca mío
todas las cosas van mal.
There are something in her

There are something in her
that gets me out of control,
that gets me crazy,
without realize it have made me another person,
already I don't know myself.
It can be by her body
of perfect curves
who provokes, gets me jealous, lies 

and does that I get lost.

There are something in her, different,
cloudy and dangerous,
they can be her eyes, two black abyss
without depth,
it can be the scent that she gives off when walking
from her skin of silk,
it can be my mind that doesn't understand her
but it wants her.

There are something in her
that give me the life,
that I have not discovered
but I don't mind.
There are something in her
that makes her different
and I prefer her among the others.
I don't know from where she comes,
nor to where she goes,
I know that when she is not close to me
everything goes badly.

There are something in her that is like a bite,
sweet and delicious,
when you taste her you want to repeat
and it's never enough.
Then she catches you and is the same
than a new drug,
that hurts you, gets you ill, kills you
but you never leave it.

There are something in her

that give me life,
that I have not discovered
but I don't mind.
There are something in her

that makes her different
and I prefer her among the others.
I don't know from where she comes,
nor to where she goes,

I know that when she is not close to me
everything goes badly.

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