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22 de enero de 2012

Hay muchas cosas que me gustan de ti (José Luis Rodríguez)

Hay muchas cosas que me gustan de ti

Hay muchas cosas que me gustan de ti,
muchas cosas que yo adoro de ti:
tu belleza incalculable
y esos ojos adorables
del color del primer grito de la aurora.

Hay muchas cosas que me gustan de ti,
muchas cosas que yo adoro de ti:
y es acariciar tu vientre
y bajar al mismo centro
y subir hasta la cima de tus senos
y besarte tiernamente, suavemente
hasta oírte entre suspiros:
Ya no puedo más...
Ya no puedo más…
Ya no puedo más…

Hay muchas cosas que me gustan de ti,
muchas cosas que yo adoro de ti:
esos labios que humedeces
con malicia tantas veces
y ese gesto de tu boca que enamora.

Hay muchas cosas que me gustan de ti,
muchas cosas que yo adoro de ti:
tu respuesta a la caricia
justamente cuando te amo,
y tu piel que es puro fuego entre mis manos.
Y es que tú estás hecha justo a mi medida
y tu cuerpo moldeado para amarlo yo,
para amarlo yo…
para amarlo yo…
para amarlo yo…
para amarlo yo…
para amarlo yo…
para amarlo yo...
There are many things of you that I like them

There are many things of you that I like them,
many things of you that I adore:
your incalculable beauty
and these adorable eyes
with the colour of first shout of dawn.

There are many things of you that I like them,
many things of you that I adore:
is caress your belly
and go down to just to centre
and go up until the top of your breasts
and kiss you tenderly, softly
until hear you among sighs:
I can’t more...
I can’t more...
I can’t more...

There are many things of you that I like them,
many things of you that I adore:
these lips moistened
with malice so many times
and this gesture of your mouth that makes me fall in love.

There are many things of you that I like them,
many things of you that I adore:
your response to the caress
just when I am making love to you,
and your skin that is pure fire between my hands.
And you're made just right to my size
and your body molded just to being loved by me
to being loved by me…
to being loved by me…
to being loved by me…
to being loved by me…
to being loved by me…
to being loved by me…

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