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21 de octubre de 2014

Solo tú (José Luis Rodríguez)

Solo tú

Solo tú
iluminas mi camino,
tiñes todo con tu resplandor.
Solo tú
has llenado ese lugar vacío
que quedaba en mi interior.
Solo tú
sabes darme esa confianza
que me alienta cada día más.
Solo tú
has querido darme el mundo,
me has colmado de felicidad.

Y es que solo tú
sabes que yo soy un hombre soñador,
solo tú
has llegado al centro de mi corazón
con amor.
Solo tú
has borrado otros amores de mi ayer,
solo tú
me has sabido comprender.

Solo tú
pones alas a mis sueños, a mi risa
y a mi intimidad.
Solo tú
acompañas mi silencio,
me consuelas en la adversidad.
Solo tú
has grabado sin violencia
tu presencia dentro de mi ser
y ya ves,
no has querido abandonarme
aunque yo no te haya sido fiel.

Y es que solo tú
sabes que yo soy un hombre soñador,
solo tú
has llegado al centro de mi corazón
con amor.
Solo tú
has borrado otros amores de mi ayer,
solo tú
me has sabido comprender.

Solo tú
sabes que yo soy un hombre soñador,
solo tú
has llegado al centro de mi corazón
con amor.
Solo tú
has borrado otros amores de mi ayer,
solo tú
me has sabido comprender.

Solo tú
sabes que yo soy un hombre soñador,
solo tú
has llegado al centro de mi corazón
con amor.
Solo tú
has borrado otros amores de mi ayer,
solo tú
me has sabido comprender.

Y es que solo tú
sabes que yo soy un hombre soñador,
solo tú
has llegado al centro de mi corazón...
Only you

Only you
light up my way,
you dye everything with your glow.
Only you
have filled that empty place
that remained inside of me.
Only you
know give me that trust
that cheers me up more each day.
Only you
have wanted give me the world,
you have filled me of happiness.

And only you
know that I am a dreamer,
only you
have come to the center of my heart
with love.
Only you
have erased another lovers of my past,
only you
have known how to understand me.

Only you
put wings to my dreams, to my laugh
and to my intimacy.
Only you
accompany my silence,
you console me in adversity.
Only you
have recorded without violence
your presence within me
and you see,
you haven’t wanted to leave me
although I was not faithful to you.

And only you
know that I am a dreamer,
only you
have come to the center of my heart
with love.
Only you
have erased another lovers of my past,
only you
have known how to understand me.

Only you
know that I am a dreamer,
only you
have come to the center of my heart
with love.
Only you
have erased another lovers of my past,
only you
have known how to understand me.

Only you
know that I am a dreamer,
only you
have come to the center of my heart
with love.
Only you
have erased another lovers of my past,
only you
have known how to understand me.

Only you
know that I am a dreamer,
only you
have come to the center of my heart...

2 comentarios:

  1. Me gusta mucho la interpretación de José Luis Rodríguez, pero, es él el autor o quién es?

    1. Por lo que he podido averiguar, los autores de esta canción son Pablo Herrero y José Luis Armenteros. El propio "Puma" tiene pocas canciones compuestas, si acaso alguna colaboración.


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