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1 de julio de 2014

Búscame (Rosario Flores)


Búscame entre la hierbabuena
y te daré mi piel morena,
beberás del agua de la miel
solo si tus ojos quieren ver.

Piérdete bailando entre mis brazos,
me contarás bajito, muy despacio,
llévame al fondo de tu ser
donde tú y yo podamos ser.

Bajarás al fondo de los mares
para mirar
que hay mundos de corales,
nada que nos pueda separar,
ahora que tú y yo somos de verdad.

Quiero soñar contigo,
quiero llevarte al edén,
ser tu mariposa,
la única que sabe cuidarte bien.
Quiero soñar contigo,
quiero llevarte al edén,
ser tu mariposa,
la única que sabe cuidarte bien.

Búscame entre la hierbabuena
y te daré mi piel morena,
beberás del agua de la miel
solo si tus ojos quieren ver.

Quiero soñar contigo,
quiero llevarte al edén,
ser tu mariposa,
la única que sabe cuidarte bien.
Quiero soñar contigo,
quiero llevarte al edén,
ser tu mariposa,
la única que sabe cuidarte bien.

Ser tu mariposa, 
la única que sabe cuidarte bien.
Look for me

Look for me among the mint
and I will give you my brown skin,
you will drink the water of honey
only if your eyes want to see.

Get lost dancing between my arms,
you will tell me low, very soft,
take me to the bottom of your being
where you and me could be.

You will go down deep on the seas
to watch
that there are world corals,
nothing to can keep us apart,
now that you and me are truth.

I want to dream with you,
I want to take you to the Eden,
being your butterfly,
the only one who knows care of you.
I want to dream with you,
I want to take you to the Eden,
being your butterfly,
the only one who knows care of you.

Look for me among the mint
and I will give you my brown skin,
you will drink the water of honey
only if your eyes want to see.

I want to dream with you,
I want to take you to the Eden,
being your butterfly,
the only one who knows care of you.
I want to dream with you,
I want to take you to the Eden,
being your butterfly,
the only one who knows care of you.

Being your butterfly,
the only one who knows care of you.

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